i had a perfomance to do while nicole /kai and isa were here
kai liked dancing when he heard the music

He ran up to the front when he saw me
he wanted to dance and sing tooo

I'll sing to him for a minute

he's all done now
i think he had a good time
maybe wehn he gets older he can move to vegas a do it with me

the song i was singing if you couldn't guess was
it's a grand old flag
1 comment:
Kevin - your mom send me a link to your blog. Your sister, Heather, works for me sewing diapers! Our youngest daughter, Esther, also has Down Syndrome. She is our special blessing and we all love her loads! She loves to show off and is almost walking now!
You can read about Esther and our family on my blog - http://snap-ez.com/WordPress/?cat=13
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